The COAL Prize 2025 dedicated to fresh water is a call to fight against the drying up of our sensitivities…
Published on 18 April 2018
The COAL Prize wants to reveal the richness of the answers brought by the artists to the current ecological problems and to accompany the emergence of a new culture of the nature and the sustainability. It is addressed to all artists who, throughout the world, bear witness to, imagine and experiment with solutions for transforming territories, lifestyles, organizations and modes of production. Together, they participate in building a new collective narrative, a new imaginary, a common heritage in development, a positive, optimistic and necessary framework for everyone to find the means and motivation to implement changes towards a more sustainable and fairer world.
This year, the COAL association celebrates its tenth anniversary. A decade of commitment alongside artists who wish to give culture its rightful place as a vector of change for an ecological and inclusive transition. These words are not a figure of speech, but the product of a story. Ten years ago we were still talking about “sustainable development”. France launched the decisions resulting from the Grenelle Environment Forum, the States prepared the 14th COP in Poland, in Poznan. Ten years later the COP24 will be again in Poland, in Katowice, and 2007 was in its time as 2017, the second hottest year in a century, while over the same period the threatened breeding birds in Europe have gone from a quarter to a third of the species. Last year, however, in Europe, the solar-wind-biomass triptych overtook coal in the Union’s electricity production. Some things have not changed as hoped… but the commitment is not weakening, on the contrary.
So this year, and on the occasion of COAL’s tenth anniversary, we see neither a failure nor an outcome, but the beginnings of a renewal of the movement that continues to give meaning to the COAL Award.
This Prize, created by our association, has become a vector of identification, promotion and diffusion of these artists to the general public, professionals of culture as well as ecology and political actors. Each year, it honors ten projects in the field of visual arts related to environmental issues. These are selected through an international call for projects. One of them is awarded the COAL Prize by a jury of art and ecology personalities. Beyond and in addition to the selections, all the applications considered by COAL and the selection committee make it possible to make known artists and projects which could be solicited or promoted according to the other opportunities and actions led by the association.
With the sponsorship of the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Ecological and Solidarity Transition. With the support of the Ministry of Culture, the European Union and the Imagine2020 network, the Musée de la Chasse et de la Nature and the François Sommer Foundation.
Download the 2018 COAL Prize call for projects
The closing date for the call for projects is July 31, 2018.
The 2018 COAL Prize will be awarded in October in Paris, during a ceremony organized in partnership with the Museum of Hunting and Nature and the François Sommer Foundation, in the presence of the ten selected artists and personalities of art and sustainable development.
The winner of the 2018 COAL Prize receives an endowment of 5,000 euros and a residency with additional financial support for production at the Domaine de Belval (Ardennes), owned by the François Sommer Foundation. *Residency is not mandatory
The selection criteria of the projects take into account the artistic value, the relevance (understanding of the stakes), the originality (capacity to propose new approaches, themes or angles of view), the pedagogy (capacity to pass on a message, to raise awareness), the social and participative approach (commitment, testimony, efficiency, societal dynamics), the eco-design and the feasibility
The COAL Prize supports artistic projects in progress or to come. Its endowment does not necessarily cover the totality of the production costs of the project and must be considered as an aid to its development.
The application must consist of the following documents in a single file in pdf format (the application must not exceed 20 pages):
– the completed application form, to be downloaded HERE;
– a detailed description of the proposed project presenting its artistic dimension and its perspective with the environmental subject;
– two high definition visuals illustrating the project;
– a note on the technical characteristics of the project, in particular in terms of infrastructure and means of production;
– a budget estimate;
– a Curriculum Vitae and an artistic file.
All proposals must be submitted by July 31, 2018, on Coal’s server: projectcoal.org
By participating in this call, the authors of the projects expressly authorize COAL to publish, reproduce and publicly distribute all or part of the elements of their project, for all purposes related to the promotion and communication of the COAL Prize, on all supports, by all media, in all countries. The projects submitted and not selected will remain in the archives of the COAL association. They remain nevertheless the property of their authors. Participation in this call for projects implies full acceptance of the above conditions.
The François Sommer Foundation, recognized as a public utility since its creation on November 30, 1966, was created by François and Jacqueline Sommer, pioneers in the implementation of a humanist ecology. Faithful to the commitments of its founders, it works for the protection of a biodiversity where man finds his rightful place, for the respectful use of nature’s resources and the sharing of the wealth of natural, artistic and cultural heritage.
The domain of Belval is located in the commune of Belval-Bois-des-Dames. With a surface area of 600 hectares, it is essentially forested and covered with meadows and 40 hectares of ponds. A true observatory of rurality and wildlife, it welcomes each year artists selected for their contribution to the renewal of the vision of the relationship between man and his natural environment. As a testimony to the Foundation’s commitment to supporting contemporary artistic creation, the residency at the Belval estate contributes to the dissemination of the artists’ works to a wide audience. It also puts at the service of the creation a network of complementary skills carried by the scientific and educational teams of the Museum of Hunting and Nature and those of the Belval estate.
Download the charter of the residence at the Domaine de Belval
For any additional request write to contact@projetcoal.
Image credit: Anaïs Tondeur, Carbon black, Edinburgh, May 30, 2017, PM2p5 level in air: 8.18 μg/m³, Carbon black print. 2017 COAL Award nominated project.
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