The COAL Prize 2025 dedicated to fresh water is a call to fight against the drying up of our sensitivities…
Published on 24 May 2011
The COAL Art & Environment Prize, created in 2010 by the French association COAL, the coalition for art and sustainable development, rewards the project of a contemporary artist on the theme of the environment.
The winner is chosen by a jury of personalities from the world of contemporary art, research, ecology and sustainable development, from among ten finalists selected through an international call for projects.
The COAL Prize 2011, worth 10 000 euros, is placed under the high patronage of the Ministry of Culture and Communication and the National Center for Plastic Arts and benefits from the support of PwC and a private donor.
Special Mention: In order to celebrate 2011, the International Year of the Forest, and to encourage the realization of projects on this theme in 2011, a second prize will be awarded to projects proposed on the theme of the forest.
The call for projects is launched on December 1, 2010.
The closing date for the call for projects is April 30, 2011.
The award will be presented in May 2011.
Today, the environment is a growing concern about its degradation. It covers a very broad field:
– management and depletion of resources: water, energy, waste.
– crisis factors: production and consumption system, pollution, demography, occupation of the territory…
– environmental crisis: climate change, rising water levels, erosion of biodiversity…
– conceptual framework: environmental law, common good, social justice, living together…
Jury and selection committee
The 2011 jury and selection committee are currently being formed.
The members already confirmed are:
Selection Committee
-Patrick Degeorges, Project Manager, Water and Biodiversity Directorate, Ministry of Ecology
-Eva Hober, gallery owner
-Sacha Kagan, Founder Cultura21 Network
-Sylvain Lambert, Partner, Sustainable Development Department, PwC-Denis Pansu, Director of the FING (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération)
-Theresa von Wuthenau, Imagine2020 coordinator and spokesperson
-The COAL team (Lauranne, Guillaume, Loïc, Clément, Alice)
-Bernard Blistène, director of the cultural development department of the Centre Pompidou and artistic director of the Nouveau Festival.
-Dominique Bourg, philosopher, IEP, UTT, member of the ecological watch committee of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation
-David Buckland, founder and director of Cape Farewelle (UK)
-Anne-Marie Charbonneaux, president of the National Center for Plastic Arts (CNAP)
-Philippe Jousse, gallery owner,
-Jean-Pierre Sicard, Executive Vice President, CDC Climat
-Laurence Tubiana, founder of the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI)
Project selection
The selection criteria of the projects take into account the artistic value, the relevance (understanding of the stakes), the originality (capacity to propose new approaches, themes or angles of view), the pedagogy (capacity to pass a message, to raise awareness), the social and participative approach (commitment, testimony, efficiency, societal dynamics), the eco-design, the feasibility
The artist’s specialization on the environmental theme is not a selection criterion, the objective of the prize being to encourage artists to take up the theme.
An internationally renowned scientific committee
Within the framework of the call for projects of the prize, COAL organizes the connection of the artists with the members of the scientific committee so that they can answer their specific requests. This scientific committee is composed of :
Edouard Bard, climatologist, Collège de France, Academy of Sciences, CNRS
Nathalie Blanc, geographer, CNRS UMR LADYSS
Dominique Bourg, philosopher, IEP, UTT, member of the ecological watch committee of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation,
Denis Couvet, ecologist, MNHN, Ecole Polytechnique,
Alain Grandjean, Associate Director, Carbone 4, member of the ecological watch committee of the Nicolas Hulot Foundation.
Awarding of the Coal Prize
The COAL Art & Environment Award is a unique event in a symbolic place in the presence of the finalists and personalities of art and sustainable development.
The projects of the finalist artists are presented in order to help them get in touch with the bodies that could participate in the future realization of the projects.
Support for projects beyond the COAL award
Beyond the awarding of prizes, the COAL call for projects is an opportunity to promote projects and artists involved and to demonstrate the creative potential of the plastic arts on the theme of the environment and its issues.
COAL promotes the networking of these artists with scientists and stakeholders, produces, valorizes and promotes numerous projects proposed in the framework of the call for projects of the COAL Prize during exhibitions, events and commissions.
Application Form
The application must be made up of the following documents in a single file in pdf format:
-A Curriculum Vitae and an artistic file.
-A synthetic and illustrated description of the proposed project presenting its artistic dimension and its perspective with the environmental subject.
-A note on the technical characteristics of the project, particularly in terms of infrastructure and means of production
-A budget estimate
Application deadline: April 30, 2011
Submission of files
All proposals must be submitted to the COAL FTP server at http://www.projetcoal.fr/upload/ by April 30, 2011.
Special conditions
By participating in this call, the authors of the projects expressly authorize COAL to publish, reproduce and publicly distribute all or part of the elements of their project, for all purposes related to the promotion and communication of the COAL project, on all media, in all countries and for THE LEGAL DURATION OF COPYRIGHT. The projects submitted and not selected will remain in the archives of the COAL association. They remain nevertheless the property of their authors. Participation in this call implies full acceptance of the above conditions.
For all additional requests, please write to contact@projetcoal.fr
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