An artistic exploration of major contemporary ocean issues June 5 to 8, 2025 Fort du Mont Alban, Nice
Between spring cleaning, preparation of the next festivities and a new pedagogical direction, Appel d’air welcomes the beautiful days and the renewal in the nursery of Vive les Groues!
Image credits: ©COAL
Published on 4 April 2023
Following the departure, in February, of a part of the trees of the Grand Paris for further growth in the Pépinières Franciliennes, the arboricultural care is now concentrated on the 24 paulownia tomentosa that will remain at Vive les Groues. This does not mean that Appel d’air’s activities have been reduced! The meetings continue with the intention of focusing on educational workshops and the mutual transmission of knowledge and arboricultural stories.
From March 31 to April 2, the Appel d’Air team was pleased to welcome, for the second time, the volunteers with and without homes of the association
La Cloche
. Several other volunteers have joined the group, thanks to an extended call for participation.
The team and volunteers have been busy repotting trees, installing a new sturdy staking system, and preparing approximately 150 cuttings for the May festivities.
Between rain and sunshine, this workshop was punctuated with explanations and advices, always in an educational and friendly approach, by Thierry Boutonnier and Sylvain Gaufilier.
An artistic exploration of major contemporary ocean issues June 5 to 8, 2025 Fort du Mont Alban, Nice
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