An artistic exploration of major contemporary ocean issues June 5 to 8, 2025 Fort du Mont Alban, Nice
Join Appel d’Air for a slow-estival! Two days of sharing and conviviality, a chance for everyone to say hello to the trees at the Appel d’Air nursery, share flower-inspired meals, take part in musical workshops, spend a sleepless night under the stars, and compete in the world’s first SIESTE competition!
Published on 26 May 2024
Experience the Nuit Blanche and its aftermath at Vive les Groues!
A joyously calm event taking place from June 1 to 2 in the gardens of this incredible urban wasteland!
Two days of slow-estival in the name of joy, calm and voluptuousness 🌳😴🍌 to celebrate Appel d’Air’s trees, our relationship with them and the story of their five years here.
8 p.m.: refreshment stand and music open 🎵
10 p.m.: open-air cinema and stargazing 🌠
GRAND BIVOUAC aux Groues! Spend the night under the stars in this beautiful third location (tents and groundsheets provided). 🏕
9am: breakfast and presentation on Aquaponics
11:30 am: APICULTURE workshop! 🐝
12pm – 2pm: shared flower-based meal (PIZZAS FLEURIS) 🌸🍕
2 p.m.: INTERNATIONAL SIESTE CONTEST on hammocks stretched between our beloved paulownias!
3pm: CONCERT by the Chorale de la Cloche + Grand Goûter Végétale (vegetal snack)
4pm – 6pm: WORKSHOPS gardening, sock repair, irrigation with Lombric Man, letter writing at Paulownias
6pm – 10pm: refreshments and music with BOOM VÉGÉTALE 🎶
😌 We look forward to seeing you!
Vive les Groues, 290 rue de la Garenne, 92000 Nanterre
> direct access by the new Metro EOLE, NANTERRE LA FOLIE station!
Free admission (except beekeeping workshop, 15 euros)
Many thanks to @yes_we_camp
Appel d’air is by artist Thierry Boutonnier, accompanied by COAL for @grand_paris_express and #societedesgrandsprojets
An artistic exploration of major contemporary ocean issues June 5 to 8, 2025 Fort du Mont Alban, Nice
Find out more about prototyping activities in Jerez de la Frontera, Milan and Łódź.
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