1st Cycle of Prototyping Activities
Find out more about prototyping activities in Jerez de la Frontera, Milan and Łódź.
The COAL association is now a “Partner committed to nature” through the Living Season and the COAL 2021 Prize on forests to raise awareness among the general public.
Image credits: Randonnee pedestre dans le Valgaudemar, une vallee situee au centre du massif des Ecrins.
Published on 9 November 2020
What is the role of a partner committed to nature?
The role to play with citizens, communities, companies and network members is multiple:
– To raise awareness of the dangers that weigh on the stakes of biodiversity (human interdependence and biological diversity, dangers that weigh on biodiversity, etc.), to define and share with the whole of civil society clear priorities at national or local level.
– To accompany citizens, companies and communities in their desire to set up initiatives in favor of biodiversity, to help them develop projects and implement them.
– Mobilize by helping to create synergies, by taking advantage of good practices, by promoting inspiring actors and initiatives, by recognizing the validity and usefulness of the action plans proposed through the “Committed to Nature” initiative
– Acting directly in favor of biodiversity by carrying out targeted actions.
Why become a committed partner for nature?
Joining the “Partners for Nature” initiative allows :
– a recognition that gives credit to the Partner in its actions of sensitization of the citizens and accompaniment of the companies and the communities;
– visibility, nationally and internationally, in the context of events or global communication on the initiative ”
Committed to Nature
” ;
– a promotion and sharing of tools (guides, training, methods, etc.) defined and proposed by the partners with communities and companies that would like to benefit from these tools;
– access to the “club of committed people” to exchange and increase collective skills (sharing of best practices, networks of influence, etc.)
Join the initiative by following this link!
Find out more about prototyping activities in Jerez de la Frontera, Milan and Łódź.
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