Closing day on the Living – COAL and the Chronicles Biennial

Closing day on the Living – COAL and the Chronicles Biennial

To celebrate the closing of VIVANT, a Cultural Season for Biodiversity and the 2020-2021 edition of CHRONICLES, Biennial of Digital Imaginations on the theme of Eternity, COAL joins CHRONICLES for a day of meetings in the heart of the living.


If the theme of eternity was that of religion and then that of the modern dream, it has now become inseparable from ecology. At the time of the sixth mass extinction, the question arises as to the sustainability of our existence and of life on Earth, whose great cycles once seemed eternal.

These questions of interrupted cycles, losses and collapses of the living are found in the artists’ works. At the heart of artistic fiction abound new worlds, new relationships between men and machines, new temporalities to question eternity in the face of the obsolescence of technologies and, from now on, in the face of the obsolescence of the living itself.

At the time of the Covid-19 pandemic, the questions of the living and the perishable are more than ever linked. In collaboration with COAL, the magazine Billebaude and the European project T-FACTOR, the Biennial closes by giving voice to artists who rethink the link to life and the inter-species dialogue, the question of the collapse of life but also of its resilience, so that the question of eternity becomes that of the sustainable, of the viable and of the liveable.



Follow the round tables live on Facebook Live


10am-12pm ROUND TABLE


– The arts, the living and the city. Extension of the field of possibility.

With Caterina Taurelli – Curator at Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence; Colette Tron – La Friche la Belle de Mai – Director of Alphabetville, Marseille ; Lucas Evers, Head of Programme, Waag, Amsterdam ; Mick Finch, Professor of Visual Art Practice, University of the Arts London, Central Saint Martins.
Moderation: Karim Asry and Eva Riccio (T-factor project)

The research and actions of the European T-Factor project aim to understand and encourage the positive impact on our cities of emerging cultures that are born precisely in the ruins of post-industrial societies, to imagine better futures and to neutralize the dystopian tendencies that seem inevitable. It attempts to highlight initiatives that imagine new common futures by placing the artistic act and culture at the heart of the transformation of cities.

The conversation we propose involves four partner cities of the T-factor project: Marseille, Amsterdam, Florence and London. It will bring together the commonalities between these experiences of urban regeneration. Spaces can change their narratives through artistic research and we will ask whether this leads to a diversity of representations.



14h-15h30 ROUND TABLE


Giving shape to the world that is coming: from fiction, imaginary worlds, narratives.

Around a great witness Sabrina Calvo and artists Stéfane Perraud, Eva Medin and Paul Duncombe
Moderation: Joan Pronnier (COAL)

If it has become “easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism”, how can we imagine the world to come? And how to give substance to these imaginary worlds? Artists work to make palpable what we do not see, to work the substance of the virtual and to transform concepts into worlds. Between science and fiction, between reality and virtual: meeting with the ultra-sensitive and the infra-thin.

Available for replay

16h00-17h30 ROUND TABLE
Reawakening our sensitivity to living things: from plants, landscapes, soils preceded by the presentation of the Revue Billebaude

Around a great witness Emanuele Coccia and the artists Elise Morin accompanied by the scientist Jacqui Shikoff Abdessamad El Montassir and Anthony Duchêne
Moderation: Anne de Malleray (Revue Billebaude)

We inherit a philosophy that affirms the exceptionality of humans in relation to the rest of nature. Faced with the ecological crisis, how can we think, imagine and feel beyond this rupture? How can we reweave theories, practices and imaginaries that make room for other living beings? This discussion is placed at the crossroads of philosophy, science and art, a privileged place to open spaces of theoretical and sensitive experimentation from this issue.

Available for replay

5:30 pm Performed conference


With Michael Cros around “UBM junior

ÜBM Junior is a mysterious electrical and vegetal creature the size of an infant. Installed in an incubator, this hybrid being awaits the time of care. How does he perceive his environment? What does it need to live? Let’s get closer…



Show / Coexistence / Rocio Berenguer – Duration 1h – 18h –

Rocio Berenguer, LITHOSYS

What future for the human species? Far from the catastrophic scenarios portrayed by the media, Rocio Berenguer imagines a utopia, an inter-species meeting where the different kingdoms of life – human, animal, vegetable, mineral, machine – are invited to negotiate together the possibilities of their coexistence.

Coexistence is a poetic text written by Rocio Berenguer which is on the border of the concert, the theatrical text and the performance. A dialogue between a human and an artificial intelligence (AI) that evokes the possibilities of coexistence between the different kingdoms (animal, vegetable, mineral, human and machine)


Closing day on the living – COAL and the CHRONICLES Biennial
On Facebook Live
Broadcast from the Friche La Belle de Mai, Marseille
January 16, 2021, 10am-8pm



Front page image © CHRONICLES, Biennial of Digital Imaginaries imagined by SECOND NATURE | ZINC.

Take a look at

Le verger des maturités by Thierry Boutonnier Exemplaire
The orchard of maturities by Thierry Boutonnier

  • About us
    About us

    COAL mobilizes artists and cultural actors on societal and environmental issues and accompanies the emergence of a new culture of ecology through its actions such as the COAL Prize, curating exhibitions, advising institutions and communities, European cooperation, and the animation of conferences, workshops and the first dedicated website


    COAL has been awarding the COAL Prize Art and Environment every year since 2010 and the COAL Student Prize - Culture & Diversity since 2020.

  • Projects

    Major projects linked to the major events in political ecology, in connection with natural or urban environments.

  • Artistic direction
    Artistic direction

    About fifty exhibitions throughout France, cultural actions, works in the public space, and project support to contribute to the emergence of a new culture of ecology.


    Cooperation programs on a European and international scale, support for institutions in their ecological transition through tailor-made accompaniment and training, promotion of arts and ecology issues through publications and numerous conferences and workshops.