The COAL Prize 2025 dedicated to fresh water is a call to fight against the drying up of our sensitivities…
COAL is delighted to announce the names of the students from French art and culture schools nominated for the fifth edition of the COAL Student Prize.
Published on 10 July 2024
The COAL Student Prize 2024 joins forces with Nature Reserves of France through a residency program. The aim of the Ecology Prize is to support young artists and students at French art and cultural schools who imagine, experiment with and propose concrete, creative solutions to current ecological issues.
Antoine Behaghel (France), Becoming Photosynthetic
Eugénia Chat (France), Future metamorphoses
Ambre Masson & Daphné Bérard (France), Chiroptera sp.
Rendezvous on November 20 for the COAL Awards ceremony for the second edition of Sans Réserve, the meeting place for creative artists committed to ecology.. COAL invites you to this new artistic and festive artistic and festive event, professionals and the general public to a day of encounters, performances, workshops and experiments, for a unique and unifying gathering of the new artistic scene committed to ecology.
Antoine Behaghel (France), Becoming Photosynthetic
Antoine Belhaghel wants to create a series of tableaux vivants depicting the invisible breathing of photosynthetic marine species. Using the illusionary techniques of stagecraft, the aim is to “biomimic” the biological phenomena of algae, unicellular microphytes and phytoplankton. These stage performances will be based on a survey of a Nature Reserve located on the Brittany coast, using nomadic capture tools (digital capture, photography, 3D scan, microscope, etc.).
Born in 1998 in Saint-Herblain (44), Antoine Behaghel is a student at the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs.
Eugénie Chat (France), Future metamorphoses
For this residency, Eugénie Chat wanted to study the ecological fabric of the reserve in order to understand the ecological “qualities” that imply the creation of a protected area. Eugénie Chat is particularly interested in the massive disappearance of insects (up to 80% of the population) over the last ten years, through a project involving a survey/directory of the species present, reconnaissance outings with the public, fieldrecording and capturing insect activities, followed by writing and drawing workshops. Today, 67% of protected or endangered species are found in nature reserves.
Born in 1996, Eugénie Chat is a post-graduate student at the École Européenne Supérieure d’Art de Bretagne.
Ambre Masson and Daphné Bérard (France), Chiroptera sp.
Chiroptera is the name of the order of bats. Interested in the cinematic potential of nature reserves as complex territories, the two students want to make a film about a geological reserve with an industrial past, reinvested by indigenous and rare bat species. This long-term relationship invites us to explore the transformative potential of a damaged space. In particular, they plan to record the ultrasounds emitted by the animals, and move them around in a sound composition. These gestures will all be ways of changing scale, translating and transposing the ways of being of mineral entities and bats, engaging a porosity between elements and species and associating them in a new hybrid narrative to emancipate ourselves from an anthropocentric perception.
Ambre Masson and Daphné Bérard are students at the École Supérieure d’Arts d’Annecy Alpes, and we have regularly collaborated on artistic and associative projects.
The COAL Prize 2025 dedicated to fresh water is a call to fight against the drying up of our sensitivities…
Created in 2019, the COAL Student Prize aims to support, through a residency in partnership with France’s Nature Reserves, students…
At a time when knowledge alone is no longer enough to motivate action, the Prix COAL 2024 calls for transformation…