Second part of the Laboratory of sustainable culture initiated by COAL and LADYSS-CNRS, La Table et le Territoire is a European program that aims to produce knowledge and field experiments mixing art, science and involvement of the actors of the territory in the field of sustainable food.

Developed on a European scale since 2019, La Table et le Territoire brings together seven major actors in the field of art, ecology and territories: three atypical cultural sites created in farms – Zone Sensible (France), Campo Adentro (Spain) and Art Mill (Czech Republic); an artistic and citizen third place – Locus Athens (Greece); an art center pioneering in the production of cultural events related to art and ecology – PAV – Parco Arte Vivente (Italy); all under the coordination of COAL (France) an association dedicated to art and ecology and the scientific supervision of LADYSS-CNRS.

These partners have been working for a long time for an alliance of art and ecology, and are driven by the ambition to influence cultural policies on a European scale. All are recognized facilitators of this dialogue between arts, territories and citizens for culture-based solutions in the field of food culture.

The Table and the Territory has given rise to a dozen research-creations and numerous events (workshops, festivals, performances, etc.) involving a wide variety of actors in each of the five partner countries; this has made it possible to test and compare methodologies according to European contexts and issues.

In total, nearly thirty artists participated in the program La Table et le Territoire, such as Olivier Darné, Thierry Boutonnier, Fernando Garcia-Dory, Piero Gilardi, Caretto e Spagna, Jorge Menna Barretto, Georgina Hill, Stefan Laxness, Hypercompf, to name a few.

La Table et le Territoire is supported by the Europe Creative program of the European Union, the French Ministry of Culture, the Carasso Foundation and Influence for good. It also involves many cultural partners and research institutes such as the Centre des Politiques de la Terre, the LADYSS-CNRS, the ENS Paris, the ENS Lyon and the INRA.

Seven research-creations in the field

One of the first missions of
The Table and the Territory
is to implement and ensure a privileged follow-up of seven research-creations involving numerous actors in each of the five partner countries, allowing to test and compare the methodologies according to the contexts and the European stakes.

  • Recipe Stories (France)
    The Ladyss, the Poetic Party and COAL
    Tell us what you cook and we’ll tell you what we’re going to plant” is the original proposal put forward by LADYSS, the artistic collective Parti Poétique, and COAL, from Zone Sensible, which has become the last 19th century farm still in activity at the gates of Paris, in Saint-Denis.
  • Selfood / Sugar killer (France)
    Thierry Boutonnier, a redefinition of the food landscapes of college students.
    Developed by the artist Thierry Boutonnier, the researchers Julie Le Gall (teacher-researcher in geography, ENS of Lyon, Laboratory Environment City Society), Olivier Hamant (INRA), Adrien Baysse-Lainé (Lyon 2 / INRA), the teams of the MARGUERITE program, and about fifteen colleges, mainly in Vaulx-en-Velin, the Selfood / Sugar Addict research-creation project explores the issues of sustainable food in the Lyon metropolitan area.
  • Artfarm (Czech Republic)
    Artmill, a revaluation of farmers’ markets
    Contrary to popular belief, while farmers’ markets are gaining popularity in central European cities, rural Europe is being flooded with supermarkets and mega-industries, with traditional markets filled with Chinese imports that are cheaper than local products. Ten Czech and European artists are working with farming families in the ArtMill region of Horadovice with the aim of strengthening the consumption of local food products in the region.
  • New Curriculum (Spain)
    Campo Adentro, for the redesign of the craft industry and the mountain agro-ecosystem
    For the program The Table and the Territory, Campo Adentro organizes several artistic residencies in the INLAND Village, a new place located in Asturias, in order to carry out several research-creations around agro-ecology, land distribution, education and rurality.
  • Nutritione Circulare (Italy)
    Parco Arte Vivente (PAV), a collective organic food production and staging of nature preservation.
    For the Table and the Territory, the Parco Arte Vivente (PAV) sets up, in its park, processual and participative installations allowing to put into practice and to share the cycle of production of a healthy and environment-friendly food.
  • Bread (Greece)
    Locus Athens, circular economies of dough and bread
    For the duration of the program, Locus Athens is conducting three cycles of research around bread, within its TAVROS venue, with three different artists: Paky Vlassopoulou, Maria Varela and Hypercomf.
  • Drinking landscapes (France and Europe)
    Anthony Duchêne, discovering natural wines
    Drinking landscapes is a research-creation conducted by the French artist
    Anthony Duchêne
    and the journalist-oenologist
    Dominique Hutin

Two Multisite Festivals
The Table and the Territory also takes shape through a festival for the general public allowing to discover in-situ these new cultural dynamics. The Festival La Table et le Territoire wants to be a hospitable festival that testifies to the diversity of solutions based on culture on a territorial scale.

Exhibitions, meetings and training
In a logic of dissemination and sharing of knowledge to the greatest number and in order to promote continuous learning, La Table et le Territoire produces a series of workshops, meetings and training sessions on the issue of cross approaches between art, participatory science and society during collective work. These different actions target the actors of research, the world of culture as well as politicians and the general public.

Publication scientific
As part of the program La Table et le Territoire,
Nathalie Blanc
Nathalie Blanc, Director of Research, CNRS LADYSS, University of Paris,
Barbara Benish
Director, ArtMill Center for Sustainable Creativity/Faculty, University of West Bohemia, Czech Republic are conducting research on hybrid practices of territory, mixing art and food in Europe.

Their travels and research lead to the publication of a scientific book, “

Art, Food and Farming: The Future of Food

“published by Routledge in 2022.

Prototype of web platform, contributive and participative, the Table and the Territory sets up an Atlas in order to stimulate the exchanges between the artists, the researchers and the professionals of the culture who work on the questions of art, food and territory. An exhaustive and evolving cartography of actors and organizations linking art, science and society, the Atlas is available on the Table and Territory website:


Take a look at

Winners of the Transformative Territories award

  • About us
    About us

    COAL mobilizes artists and cultural actors on societal and environmental issues and accompanies the emergence of a new culture of ecology through its actions such as the COAL Prize, curating exhibitions, advising institutions and communities, European cooperation, and the animation of conferences, workshops and the first dedicated website


    COAL has been awarding the COAL Prize Art and Environment every year since 2010 and the COAL Student Prize - Culture & Diversity since 2020.

  • Projects

    Major projects linked to the major events in political ecology, in connection with natural or urban environments.

  • Artistic direction
    Artistic direction

    About fifty exhibitions throughout France, cultural actions, works in the public space, and project support to contribute to the emergence of a new culture of ecology.


    Cooperation programs on a European and international scale, support for institutions in their ecological transition through tailor-made accompaniment and training, promotion of arts and ecology issues through publications and numerous conferences and workshops.