During the second edition of SANS RÉSERVE, on November 20, 2024 at the Musée de la Chasse et de la…
Published on 4 February 2015
UNESCO invites COAL to bring the voice of artists at the 3rd Assises du Vivant, February 9 and 10, 2015. Thierry Boutonnier, Benoit Mangin from Art Orienté Objet, and Naziha Mestaoui will present their artistic works on biodiversity and climate duringa co-creation workshop animated by COAL, on Tuesday February 10th from 9 to 11 am. COAL also invites botanical artist Liliana Motta to speak at the Environmental Humanities workshop on Monday, February 9 at 2pm. These meetings kick off ArtCOP21, the Paris Climate 2015 Cultural Agenda orchestrated by COAL and Cape Farewell.
The Living World Conference 2015
The 2015 Conference on Living Things is one of the first meetings in preparation for the Conference of the Parties in Paris (COP 21). These meetings aim to open the debate and stimulate exchanges with all stakeholders in the climate and biodiversity issues a few months before a crucial global meeting. In addition to the plenary sessions, which will provide a wealth of information, workshops will be held on each theme, to further scientific expression and synthesis for action, but also to allow the meeting and expression of innovative actors, pioneers of scientific, regulatory and entrepreneurial issues on climate change and its environmental and social impacts.
The place will be given to intergenerational dialogue and co-creation in the service of action.
The 2015 Assises du Vivant are intended to be a continuation of the dialogues initiated previously, during the Assises du Vivant organized in 2012 and 2013[1] : a frank and open debate between actors and stakeholders from different and varied backgroundsunited by the desire to exchange and the will to overcome the obstacles and impossibilities – real or perceived – around climate change and its interactions with biodiversity.
A meeting of dialogues and exchanges to prepare a fundamental event
The 2015 Assises du Vivant will bring together scientists, civil society actors, responsible and committed citizens, youth, entrepreneurs, artists … who will discuss the links between biodiversity and climate change, on the eve of the meeting of the Conference of the Parties on climate change that will take place in Paris in December 2015.
A new and hopeful look at climate change
Faced with the alarming signals, relayed by the scientific community, sometimes spread in a catastrophic manner by some, is it possible to keep hope and mobilize to co-construct, co-dream other possibilities? Would we be condemned to impotence in the face of predicted catastrophes? Refusing this impasse, we wish to show that the harshness of the facts, established with all the necessary scientific rigor, does not prevent us, on the contrary, from mobilizing our energies, our creativity and our will to take our common destiny in hand. Because if the mourning of our illusions is a necessary step before going further, if it is essential to accept the facts and their implications, it is still possible to overcome the feeling of powerlessness, to go beyond the impossibilities, to dream and create possible and desirable futures.
Valuation of innovative initiatives and solutions for the future
All over the world, initiatives are emerging that demonstrate that it is already possible to live while respecting the rate of renewal of ecosystems, that the use of biodiversity is not incompatible with its conservation. Far from being isolated and anecdotal examples, these actions and initiatives of social transformation mobilize millions of people and affect all sectors of the global economy. How can we draw inspiration from these actions and networks of actors, how can we better mobilize them and share their solutions with decision makers and skeptics? The Assises du Vivant is intended to be a space dedicated to the continuation of this dialogue, beyond the days of meetings in Paris, by building a community of practice that would share positive actions and visions to build other possible worlds.
Three strong themes for two days of meetings rich in sharing
We propose to study the interactions between biodiversity and climate change around three strong themes:
For each theme, we will have a cross-reference between the available information and the scientists’ findings, the actions and solutions implemented at the local and international levels followed by an interactive discussion on the present and possible future.
Practical information
Reception of the public
125, Avenue de Suffren, 75007, Paris.
Live translation and monitoring
The sessions taking place in plenary (Room XI) are translated simultaneously into French and English.
These sessions will also be broadcast live on the internet in streaming mode.
Methods of exchange and animation
This meeting will take place in several “movements”:
– Participatory plenary sessions to share the state of the art on the links between biodiversity and climate;
– Workshops of commitment and scientific contribution to advance thinking and action on biodiversity and climate interactions;
– Moments of meetings between the participants of the civil society and forums of sharing of citizen initiatives around the three key themes.
UNESCO will welcome participants from various backgrounds and cultures: young people, scientists, bloggers, artists, citizens, entrepreneurs, all of whom are involved in a concrete way in the interactions between climate and biodiversity and each of whom is proposing solutions for these issues.
Organizing Committee
Christophe Aubel (Humanity and Biodiversity)
Sylvie Bénard (LVMH)
Meriem Bouamrane (UNESCO/MAB)
Sylvain Boucherand (B&L evolution)
John Crowley (UNESCO/SHS)
Emmanuel Delannoy (Inspire Institute)
Eve El Chehaly (UNESCO/SHS)
Bernard Labat (Humanity and Biodiversity)
Stéphane Riot (NoveTerra)
With the support of:
LVMH – Société Serge Ferrari – Yves Rocher Foundation – UNPG
During the second edition of SANS RÉSERVE, on November 20, 2024 at the Musée de la Chasse et de la…
Since 2022, as part of the Pays de l’Arbresle’s “Les murmures du Temps” art trail, Thierry Boutonnier has been sending…
Since 2022, as part of the Pays de l’Arbresle’s “Les murmures du Temps” art trail, Thierry Boutonnier has been sending…